
Join/Requesting To Join Existing Teams

Join/Requesting To Join Existing Teams

– An user which has been added in Reflekt and is used when following the instructions

– Existing Teams already built and tagged through Reflekt

When Reflekt application has loaded click on Get Started

Go through the process until reaching to Recommended teams page

To join or request to join a team click the Join or Request button

When clicking Join or the Request button this will take you through different processes due to the Teams being either public or private. When joining(Join button) a team you will be added to the team immeditately however it can take up to approx. 12 hours for the team to show up in your Team channels.

If you have requested(Request button) to join a team an email will be sent to the owners of the team > When the email is received the owner will need to click on the Approve or Reject button in the email

> When the screen is loaded Owners can Approve or Ignore the request

you will receive an email if approved to be added to the Team