
Create A New Team From A Template

Creating a new team from an existing template will help speed up the process by automatically creating pre-defined channels for your new team as well as lists and document libraries in SharePoint.

Note: Every team created in Microsoft Teams will automatically create a SharePoint modern team site behind it. Templates selected will create default libraries as well as any other lists or document libraries.

An user with the administrator role will need to be added in Reflekt and used when following the instructions

When Reflekt application has loaded click on Get Started on the welcome screen

Click on SKIP if the questionnaire appears

Select Teams

Give your new Team a name e.g. HR Team

Enter description for the new team > Upload a new logo (optional) >Add at least one owner of the team (Depends upon your organisation’s setting)

Add members to the team> Set the Team visibility

Private teams can only be joined if the team owner adds someone to the team.

Public teams are visible to everyone through search and users can join them without getting approval from the team owner.

> Set the tags for the team

Click Skip for any existing teams recommendation

Note: We would highly recommend to select an existing team which is similar to the team you wish to create as this will help reduce duplication of work and help with efficiency.

On the template page choose the template you wish to use and click Select
To find more information of each template click on More Info this will provide the template details and what will be created once the build is complete.

Click Next

Review the details of your request and click Build

Once the build request has been sent this will be sent to the approvals queue where it will need to be approved before moving onto the next stage, you will be able to check the status of your request by going to View Creations from the welcome screen.